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This is the joke page their will be yo mama jokes and all sorts on this page.If you have any jokes put them in the guest book

Bean Laden



Yo mama's so ugly she looked out of the window and got arrested for mooning!

Yo mama's so fat she fell down the grand canion and got stuck!

Yo mama's so fat the last time she saw 9012 was on the bathroom scales!

Yo mama' so fat when she was born her mother said great triplets!

Yo mama' so stupid she went to see a movie which was under 18 not admitted so she went back to get 17 of her friends


Justin and briteny were having a walk on the beach when Justin said look at the dead bird and briteny looked up at the sky and went where

The things that barbie and britney  have in common: their both blonde brainless and made out of plastic



Your so ugly when you were born the doctor didnt know which end to slap!

Have you ever saw a jackass wrapped in plastic? Have a look at your licence!

Your so stupid you climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side!

Your so ugly when your mam dropped you of at school she got a ticket for littering!

Ive seen better butts in an ashtray!

Your family is so poor when I went to your house I stepped on a cigarette and your dad said " Hey, who turned of the heating! "


This is one of my favorite images



Why cant a blonde call 911?

Because she cant find the eleven!

A blonde was driving really badly and swerving all over the road so a cop pulled her over. The cop said " what the hell are you doing!?" and the blonde said" I'm sorry sir, but theres a tree that always in front of me and I cant seem to get away from it " Then the cop says " lady thats your air freshener!"

How can you tell when a blondes having a bad day ?

When their tampons behind her ear and she cant find her pencil!

Two blondes were going on holiday to Disenyland when they came to a fork in the road ,a sign said Disenyland left so they went home